2006 Thunderhead Trainings and Retreat - Thunderhead Alliance
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2006 Thunderhead Trainings and Retreat

Join other leaders of bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations (staff, board members and super volunteers) to learn from expert trainers and each other through Thunderhead’s proven curriculum. We’ve got a full package planned for 2006.

May 9-11 2006, – Thunderhead Training, Washington, D.C.

July 14-16 2006, – Thunderhead Training, Denver, CO

September 2-5 2006, – (just prior to ProWalk/ProBike) Thunderhead Retreat near Madison, WI – for leaders of Thunderhead member orgs only

October (date TBA) 2006, – Thunderhead Training, Philadelphia, PA

Registration forms and promotional flyers coming soon.


Member Directed Roundtables and Events

2005 Thunderhead Trainings

The 2005 Training Schedule was:

• Thunderhead Complete Streets Training: (a success held March 14-15, Washington, DC)
Thunderhead Press Release for Complete Streets Goal
• Chicagoland Bicycle Federation’s Healthy Streets Conference: (a success held April 1-2, Chicago, Illinois)
• Thunderhead Training: (a success held April 22-24, Portland, Oregon)
• Thunderhead Training: (a success held August 26-28, Decatur, Georgia)
• Thunderhead Training: (a success held October 21-23, San Francisco, California)