50 states/50 Cities Project - Thunderhead Alliance

50 states/50 Cities Project

Thunderheads’ 50 states/50 Cities Project is supported in large part by:

Bicycle and pedestrian advocacy hits the ground at the state and local level through unified, proven initiatives. Thunderhead’s proven programs support our member organizations and reach out to potential new leaders of new organizations.

Our 50 States/50 Cities Project focuses this effort to ensure that all 50 states and at least the 50 highest population U.S. cities are represented by effective and sustainable bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations. Our 50/50 resources continue to support all Thunderhead member organizations including those in Canada and in lower population areas of the U.S. with a goal of a seamless tapestry of voices for bicycling and walking across North America.

The cornerstone of Thunderhead’s analysis of states and cities is our Benchmarking Project. Our Thunderhead Trainings and on-call support system further identify organizations not only in need, but those that have the drive and desire to increase their effectiveness and move to sustainability.

Thunderhead’s specialized materials and replicable models in proven initiatives for organizational development and campaigns, many used in our Trainings, are also offered to all Thunderhead member organizations in our members-only section of our web site to encourage on-going improvements through self-guided initiatives.

The most successful initiatives by Thunderhead organizations are reproduced as replicable models and materials and added to our Trainings and our members’ library of resources.

If you are a leader of a state or local bicycle and/or pedestrian advocacy organization and would like to connect with Thunderhead’s programs, please join.

If you would like to support this or other Thunderhead Alliance programs, please contact:

Dominic Liberatore, Interim Executive Director
Dominic “at” ThunderheadAlliance.org

Please also see our supporter and sponsorship opportunities at:

