Training Programs For Improving Cycling Strength - Thunderhead Alliance

Training Programs For Improving Cycling Strength

Essentially the most basic of cycling training programs for boosting your cycling endurance is riding over rather long distances regularly and consistently. This cycling training program aims at building your muscles’ strength and improving your cardiovascular system so that you have better oxygen uptake, body recovery and to build-up your leg muscles power. In this article, you will gain knowledge of a cycling training plan that will aid you to boost your cycling endurance.

I have split this cycling training program into five steps for better mastering. Listed here are the 5 steps;

1. Ascertain your target distance.

If your reason for training is so as to be competitive in a long distance cycling race, then your target distance is the distance of your race. Therefore whatever your reason, determine an average distance of how far you would want to ride.

2. Select a route that is almost like your bicycling route.

If the route you are practicing for is hilly at some parts and level in other areas, then simply look for identical routes and exercise in such routes. This should help you to adapt easily when you go and ride in that particular cycling route.

3. Ride a 3rd or a half of the distance.

To start your cycling training, begin by riding a percentage of your total target distance. That means that you should ride for example, 1/2 or 1/3 of the total distance you are aiming towards. You must do this so as to build up your cycling endurance with ease. Ride over this distance at a consistent pace, not necessarily at a high speed, but at a pace you can maintain almost always.

4. Practice this cycling training program every week.

You should then repeat this cycling exercise every week. As you repeat this cycling exercise, you ought to aim to increase the distance you cover each week by a little margin, as you improve to your target distance. This can be done by increasing the distance simply by, for instance, 5% your target distance week after week.

5. Lower your cycling distance and intensity from time to time.

After every 4 – 5 weeks of exercising, decrease the distance and intensity you ride in order to avoid burnout as well as to let your entire body recuperate.

Among the things you should remember is that, you should not over do any cycling exercise. If you think a cycling training program is just too strenuous, just simply decrease its intensity, by for instance decreasing the distance covered or perhaps the interval time. Ensure that you are at ease with whatever cycling training plans you follow.